Montsec American Monument, France. Photo GLK.

The American Traveler and the First World War Sights in France

Between America First and me first there isn't much daylight for a national history lesson. Nevertheless, you don't have to be a war buff or a history buff to visit American-related First World War sights in France and to understand how they relate to our place in the world today.

Lion Feuchtwanger and the Milles Internment and Deportation Camp Near Aix-en-Provence

By Wendy Dubreuil. Aix-en-Provence may call to mind fountain-side cafés, the work of Cézanne, aristocratic palaces and the scent of lavender, but just several miles from the sunny heart of town lies a cautionary tale: the Camp des Milles, the only large French interment and deportation camp from WWII that is preserved and open to the public.

Beyond D-Day: Falaise, Normandy Examines the Fate of Civilians in Wartime

Of the 20,000 Normans who died as a direct result of WWII, the majority were killed by Allied bombardments. The effect of war on civilian populations is now the subject of a museum in Falaise, birthplace of William the Conqueror and site, with its surroundings, of the final combat of the Battle of Normandy 1944.

D-Day and American War Memories in France: A Travel Conversation

June 6, 2015—On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the D-Day landing in Normandy, Dan Schlossberg of Travel Itch Radio invited France Revisited's editor Gary Lee Kraut on the show to discuss D-Day and other American War Memories in France.

Film Review: Suite Française

Suite Française by Irene Némirovsky took the literary world by storm when it was first published in France in 2004, followed up with an English translation in 2006. The sensation had to do with the quality of the work itself in conjunction with the backstory, the sidestory and the epilogue relative to the author herself and her daughter Denise Epstein. Now comes the movie.

Editor of France Revisited on Lecture Tour in NJ, PA, DC

While the recent terrorist attacks in Paris caused some travelers to push the pause button on their immediate European travel plans, we can all be armchair travelers this month when New Jersey native and award-winning Paris-based travel writer Gary Lee Kraut explores France during a tour in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. from Feb. 16 to March 2, 2015.

Yiddish, a Language of France, 70 Years Out of Hiding at Paris Cultural Center...

Yiddish is a live and well in Paris at the Medem Library, the largest Yiddish cultural center in Europe.

Near Paris: The Giverny – La Roche-Guyon Daytrip Combo

How and why to combine a visit to Monet's House and Gardens at Giverny with a visit to the chateau of La Roche Guyon, whether on a daytrip from Paris or a longer excursion to Normandy.
Vel d'Hiv Memorial, Paris. Photo GLKraut

Jewish Paris: Deportation Memorial, Shoah Memorial, Vel d’Hiv Memorial

Jewish quarters come and go, but anti-Semitism never goes out of fashion. Most recently in France there’s been a growing attraction of the “quenelle,” a down-turned Nazi salute now understood by most to be an anti-Semitic, anti-establishment gesture. It has gained favor among individuals and groups who ...

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