Food & Drink

What does the hungry and thirsty traveler need to know in order to enjoy the tastes, pleasures, atmospheres and full range of food and drink experiences in Paris? How to choose between the restaurants, bistros, brasseries, bars, food markets, food shops, chefs, wine bars, beer bars, etc. of this great culinary capital? For starters, by reading the articles in this section.

Pizza Envy: A Tale of Two Hoods

It’s too much to expect Paris to have great pizza, too, yet decent single-serving, thin-crust pizza can be found in many residential neighborhoods in...

Jean, the Restaurant: Dinner with the Master of the House

Fine restaurants are typically defined by their chef or location, but there is an often forgotten category of gastronomy whose prime asset is having...

Getting the Bill

Sometimes the most difficult task in a restaurant is getting the waiter to give you the bill. Relax. This is often a good sign;...

NoLita, Champs-Elysées: Calamari and Convertibles, Maseratis and Mozzarella

Corinne LaBalme discovers NoLita, a ritzy ristorante parked next to the vintage Lancias in the Fiat Group’s “Motor Village” on the Champs-Elysées. If a Maserati goes a lot faster than a mere car, the menu at NoLita goes a lot farther than simple carbonara.

Not Exactly a Restaurant Review of Quai Ouest in Saint-Cloud

This is not exactly a restaurant review of Quai Ouest, a Seine-side restaurant just west of Paris in Saint-Cloud, now owned by Valerie Thomas-Colin. Saint-Cloud very much

Paris Restaurant Review: Matière à…, A Harmonious Chef’s Table in the Canal Quarter

Matière à…, a delightful restaurant in the canal quarter of Paris’s 10th arrondissement, where owner-chef Anthony Courteille plays host to a 14-seat chef's table.
Paris crepes

The Humble Crepe Gets a Paris Makeover

The humble crepe has been enjoying a Paris makeover recently as stylish yet relaxed restaurants devoted to neo-griddlecakes topped with anything from yuzu and Japanese sugar to sautéed scallops have popped up in trendsetting neighborhoods throughout the city.

Doctor Rabbit and Monsieur Lapin

This restaurant, which I quite liked and often recommended, closed in 2011, but you can still enjoy this review from 2008. Like any good doctor, veterinarian Dr. Jean-Francois...

Three Reasons to Experience a Remarkable Chef: Part 2

Symbols, stars, numbers, and other restaurant rating systems can provide a culinary relief map of a city, but they’re inadequate in revealing the particular...

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