Writing and Journalism

Five Therapeutic Reasons Why I ♥ Gray Weather in Paris This Summer

I think of it as The Summer That Wasn’t – L’Eté qui n’a pas été. Last month was the coolest July on record in 30...

Springtime in Paris… Revisited

March 2014 – In January and February France Revisited fell silent as snowfall in the American northeast, where I spent four weeks on a...

On becoming a pundit

In the Food & Drink section of this site I note that traveling in France turns everyone into a food critic. In the same...

April newsletter: Lost notebooks, found pages

I have two bad habits with respect to my writing. 1. I don’t immediately type up my notes. 2. I lose my notebooks. So how to deal with a notebook thief?
Thomas Jefferson by the Solferino Footbridge near the Orsay Museum. Photo GLK

France Revisited Newsletter: The Inauguration Issue

Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers, January 19, 2017. We gather here today to recognize and affirm our place in the world. We gather not to walk lock-step towards a single destination, but to wherever our interests, whims and desires may lead us, without willful harm to others. Where are we? Let us consider:

France Revisited’s Jewish Issue

Here are the 9 articles, interviews and stories that comprise France Revisited's March 2014 March Jewish Issue, including Jewish history in Paris, the Rothchilds, the de Camandos, deportation, the Marais and Passover's 11th plague

Van Dyck portraits at the Jacquemart-André

I’ve always confused Van Dyck with Titian and Velasquez and El Greco. I'm a bit clearer about Van Dyck after visiting the exhibition at...

CNN, Reddit and Getting Embed with The New York Times

On January 11, the day of the massive march that followed the terrorist attacks, news networks set up shop on Place de la République, the square whose central statue became one of the unofficial memorials for the attacks. CNN was among those networks. Visiting the square in the evening as the crowd dispersed, I came across...

My French Life, the Interview

Dec. 2011. Some much appreciated recognition came knocking at my screen this month, one via from California, the other via Melbourne, Australia. First the California-based North...

The France Revisited Newsletter

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France Revisited is an adventurous professional publication largely supported by passion, curiosity, humor... and donations.

France Revisited Newsletter

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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