Writing and Journalism

Scraps of 2014, Inspiration for 2015

Anyone else would likely sweep them into the trash, but for me the scraps of paper scribbled with my handwriting that cover the horizontal...

Roasted French Food Porn (Includes Recipe)

I know food bloggers are supposed to be into food, but do they really have to tell us everything they eat? They remind me of 12-year-old girls with half-chewed food in their mouth, sticking their tongues out to get attention. Not very appetizing.

James A. Emanuel’s Sense of Place

Asked what he most appreciated about living in France, James Emanuel replied "France has been silent when I had no questions; and it has been wise and ultimately generous, even poetic, when I needed counsel to walk on, or surf to carry me toward some shore."

Writing in cafés

No offense to writers who claim to get significant work done in Paris cafés, but that’s an urban legend as far as I can...

The Charlie Hebdo Survivor Issue and the Sabbath Candles

The week after terror attacks that targeted journalists at Charlie Hebdo and Jews at the kosher grocery millions of people bought the survivor edition of Charlie Hebdo out of solidarity with the victims and what they represented. But did any think of buying kosher food?

An afternoon nap on the French national holiday, July 14, 2011

Paris, July 15, 2011 – I had a delicious nap on the afternoon of le Quatorze Juillet, the French national holiday, known outside of...

The Magical Pastry Issue

It took a lot of bites of the sweeter things of life in Paris to complete France Revisited’s November 2013 Magical Pastry Issue. Though you’ll find some fine addresses in the four pastry-related articles of this issue, I didn’t set out to draw up a list of best or latest pastry shops in Paris or the city’s most famous pastry chefs, but rather to explore various aspects of la dolce vita.

On being the press

The other day I invited my mother to come with me to visit the Philadelphia Art Museum and the city’s Rodin Museum. She was...

France Revisited Strikes Silver, Editor Goes on Tour

PASADENA, CA (Feb. 11, 2015)–The North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA) today announced that France Revisited, www.francerevisited.com, won the Silver Award as first runner-up in the 2014 NATJA Awards Competition in the Best Online Travel Magazine category. This awards competition honors the “best of the best” in travel writing...

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France Revisited Newsletter

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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