
Sometimes we set aside the practical and the informative to provide personal impressions, stories, vignettes, editorials, commentary, poems, photographic oddities and other eclectic, original material.

The Charlie Hebdo Survivor Issue and the Sabbath Candles

The week after terror attacks that targeted journalists at Charlie Hebdo and Jews at the kosher grocery millions of people bought the survivor edition of Charlie Hebdo out of solidarity with the victims and what they represented. But did any think of buying kosher food?

Season’s Greetings from the City of Light

France Revisited's fetish photographer Va-nu-pieds has provided us with this year's season's greetings photo, a view of the carousel in front of Paris City Hall. Wishing you a bright and joyful holiday season. Enjoy the ride as the new year comes 'round again.

Drome: An Unmistakable If Frigid Air of Provence in Winter

Heading south in the Drome region of the Rhone Valley, the landscapes, agriculture and architecture of Provence gradually assert themselves. Even on frigid winter days we recognize glimpses of Provence in Valence, Grignan, Nyons -- in town squares, lavender fields, truffle plantations, vineyards and olive orchards.
Lyla Black Ward in France, 1952

1952: The First Time I Saw Paris…

Lyla Blake Ward revisits her first trip to Paris as a 24-year-old newlywed with her husband Russ. The year was 1952 and the city was still coated in its post-war grime.

Hurricanes, economics and war

Just got back to Paris from Berlin where I was dumbfounded to find that BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, German radio, and the American papers...
Pont Mirabeau, Paris bridge

Where the Seine Flows, and Our Love: The Mirabeau Bridge

You don't have to cross the Pont Mirabeau, the Mirabeau Bridge, to know the famous poem of the same name by Guillaume Apollinaire.

We Were Charlie

After the terrorist attacks of January 7-9, 2015, Paris's Place de la République become the main memorial gathering place. We were Charlie, people said. And then we were what?

Winter in Paris: Does size matter on the ice canal?

Winter in Paris: As ice forms on the Canal Saint Martin photographers take to the bridges and cobblestones and snowy edges.

The Seine of the Impressionists and of Our Daily Train

Two ways of looking at the Seine: through the eyes of the Impressionists in the guidebook "La Seine Impressionniste" and through the eyes of a videographer in the video "Notre train quotidien" (Our Daily Train).

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France Revisited is an adventurous professional publication largely supported by passion, curiosity, humor... and donations.

France Revisited Newsletter

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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