Tag: Upper France

View to the war monument and evacuation pier at the start of the digue and the beach in Malo-les-Bains, Dunkirk. Photo GLK.

Dunkirk 1940, Dunkirk Today: Advice for a Day Trip or an Overnight

How to visit Dunkirk in Upper France to learn more about the evacuation of 1940 on a day trip or overnight from Paris or elsewhere.
Dunkirk - Stretch of beach and distant pier, a portion of the site of the evacuation of 1940. Photo GLKraut.

The Snow Goose Returns to Dunkirk

"Though I hadn’t reread The Snow Goose in many years, I realized that it had been a part of my life for more than 80 years. Yet I had never been to Dunkirk, even though it’s only about 180 miles northwest of Paris. I felt a sudden desire—no, a need—to go there."
US WWI sights France

Where and Why to Visit the American WWI Sights of France

A France Revisited “Conversation with an Expert” in which Gary Lee Kraut speaks with Ben Brands, the historian with the American Battle Monuments Commission about the U.S. First World War sights of France.

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