Tag: cats

Black Diva and the Roman Theater of Orange

I don't often show pictures of myself with celebrities, artists, winegrowers, chefs, politicians or other living icons that I meet in the course of my work, but that’s the best way to introduce the beautiful local Diva that I met the other day while in Orange, in the Vaucluse area of Provence.

Travel cats

France Revisited presents the work of two photographs who captures the spirit of encounters between cats and travelers.

A tribute to Moumoon the cat

Moumoon, this writer’s cat, has died at age 11 after a courageous battle with kidney failure. He was known to readers of "France Revisited" through various texts in which he played a prominent or supporting role, including "Of Cats and Friends" and a review of Hotel Saint Paul Rive Gauche.

The Weatherman, a poem

The Weatherman, March 3, a poem about early springtime in Paris by Gary Lee Kraut.

Of Cats and Friends

Travel writing can be solitary work, but a travel writer with a cat needs friends. I used to leave my chartreux Moumoon with Isabelle, but...

A Night at Hotel Saint Paul Rive Gauche: Infidelity on Rue Monsieur le Prince

All travel carries a scent of infidelity. The eye wanders, the senses get curious, the smile invites foreign conversations, and at night you grope...

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France Revisited Newsletter

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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