Tag: books

Dunkirk - Stretch of beach and distant pier, a portion of the site of the evacuation of 1940. Photo GLKraut.

The Snow Goose Returns to Dunkirk

"Though I hadn’t reread The Snow Goose in many years, I realized that it had been a part of my life for more than 80 years. Yet I had never been to Dunkirk, even though it’s only about 180 miles northwest of Paris. I felt a sudden desire—no, a need—to go there."
Vocabulaire illustre de l'ornement - Evelyne Thomas-detail

Art Books: The Vocabulary of Ornamentation

We are often at a loss for words when we travel in continental Europe. It isn’t only the words for natural conversation that are lacking but also the vocabulary of the things we see. Vocabulaire Illustré de l’Ornament by Evelyne Thomas, an illustrated dictionary of the vocabulary of the ornamental and decorative elements of architecture and other arts, can help.
Café Librairie Gwerzienn, Becherel, Brittany. L. Napoli

Bécherel: A Beloved Book Town in Brittany

In which an American couple with a cottage in Brittany goes searching for books and also find character in the beloved book town of Bécherel. By James and Luanne Napoli.

Film Review: Suite Française

Suite Française by Irene Némirovsky took the literary world by storm when it was first published in France in 2004, followed up with an English translation in 2006. The sensation had to do with the quality of the work itself in conjunction with the backstory, the sidestory and the epilogue relative to the author herself and her daughter Denise Epstein. Now comes the movie.


Hemmingway, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Beckett, Miller, drama, poetry. On her first visit to Paris, Scottish playwright Morna Young is looking for something as she wanders through the celebrated bookshop Shakespeare and Company but she doesn’t know what… until she finds it.

Cookbook Beat: Le Grand Cours de Cuisine Ferrandi

The Ferrandi School, the most hands on of Parisian culinary academies, has come out with a mega-cookbook for amateurs and professionals looking to hone their culinary skills and try recipes from simple to gastronomical.

Vice & Versailles: A Master Gardener Delves Into the Dark Shadows of the Louis...

As head gardener of Versailles Alain Baraton is responsible for restoring and maintaining the majesty of the backyard of kings, but he appears to relish in declaring that “Versailles was a great shop of horrors.” In the book "Vice et Versailles" Baraton leads readers into the dark side of the great palace.

An Interview with Ellen Sussman, Author of the Novel “French Lessons”

Ellen Sussman’s new novel French Lessons is a sexy, sensual, café-filled story about three Americans who explore Paris while receiving walking French lessons. An entertaining France Revisited interview with the author by Gary Lee Kraut.

Paris Photos – Paris Walks: An American Photographer as Flaneur

Armed with a Leica M6 rangefinder, Peter O’Toole first visited Paris in 1996 and quickly discovered the double pleasure of meandering through the city...

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