
French and foreign, residents and travelers, famous, infamous, historical, crafty, creative or simply encountered along the way, these are the people we meet and the people, past or present, whose lives (and sometimes deaths) inform us about the places and cultures we visit.

France Elevates Poet Aimé Césaire to Status of “Great Man” at Pantheon

April 6, 2011 – Little noticed and scantily attended on a warm and sunny spring day, France showed its gratitude to one of its...

Got Heritage? Pelerin Awards Help Restore France’s Catholic Heritage

History has taught France the dangers of seeing a dominant religion play a leading role in public policy. Yet it has also left this...

Surviving family: Two sisters, one bed, and a 37-page itinerary

What happens when two sisters, one an artist with sore feet and a hankering for chocolate, the other an A-type corporate traveler with a 37-page itinerary and no interest in sweets, visit Paris together? Wendy Most of Trenton, New Jersey recounts the joys and suffering of a Paris adventure with her sister Debbie.

Three Reasons to Experience a Remarkable Chef: Part 2

Symbols, stars, numbers, and other restaurant rating systems can provide a culinary relief map of a city, but they’re inadequate in revealing the particular...

Marianne, the Face of the French Republic

From a kingdom devoted to Mary, mother of Jesus, France became a republic under the guidance of Marianne. She is the face of the French Republic.

Three Reasons to Experience a Remarkable Chef: Part I

Symbols, stars, numbers, and other restaurant rating systems can provide a culinary relief map of a city, but they’re inadequate in revealing the particular...

Olivier Dirson, WWI battlefield guide: one history leads to another

Touring WWI sites of Picardy, north of Paris, with Olivier Dirson, a French guide with an intriguing personal history.

Teach a man to order a brownie and he’ll save you two steps?

A Dane and an American walk into a bakery in Paris, one orders a pistachio crumble, the other a brownie. The baker says... Read this sad tale of French service in which the author is berated for ordering a brownie inefficiently.

Teach a man to print stamps and he’ll communicate with the world

Service at my local post office has improved over the years, but as this recent experience shows modernizing and privatizing a French post office doesn't necessarily modernize and humanize the employees.

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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