
Teach a man to order a brownie and he’ll save you two steps?

A Dane and an American walk into a bakery in Paris, one orders a pistachio crumble, the other a brownie. The baker says... Read this sad tale of French service in which the author is berated for ordering a brownie inefficiently.

The Cranky Parent: Maman, Bébé and Unsolicited Advice

Children in Paris: Bringing up bébé has its dark side in the City of Light when maman can’t go wheeling through the supermarket without a stranger telling her that she hasn’t dressed her precious one properly for the yogurt aisle, as Melinda Mayor, aka Meshugeneh Mama, recounts with vitriol and humor.

Marianne, the Face of the French Republic

From a kingdom devoted to Mary, mother of Jesus, France became a republic under the guidance of Marianne. She is the face of the French Republic.

Do the Rooftops of Paris Have “Outstanding Universal Value”?

Looking out over the rooftops of the city the view is romantic for some, lusty grey for others, a commercial dream for roofers—altogether Paris. In recent months the most attractive view over the capital has been from District Hall of the 9th arrondissement, where District Mayor Delphine Bürkli is spearheading the committee to present the rooftops of Paris as a candidate for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Gabrielle Renard and Jean Renoir by Auguste Renoir in Essoyes. Photo Janet Hulstrand.

The Painter’s Wife: Aline Charigot Renoir and the Renoir Home in Essoyes

As the village of Essoyes in southern Champagne prepares to open Renoir’s home to the public and the surrounding department of Aube celebrates this as the Year of Renoir, Janet Hulstrand, a part-time American resident of Essoyes, examines the life of Aline Charigot Renoir, wife of the artist and mother of three artists.

Understanding France: National Commemorations of 2018

A selection of 30 of France's 2018 National Commemorations—of saints, queens, and musicians, assassinations, treaties and war, slavery, gastronomy and science—that give insights into various aspects of French history, culture and politics.

Prizewinning project “anima” at the French Institute

Jean-François Spricigo, the 2008 winner of the Prix de Photographie by the French Académie des Beaux-Arts, says that he learned photography during night walks with his dog. If so then, anima, the exhibit of his work at the Institut de France, is as personal for him as it is haunting for the viewer.

Vice & Versailles: A Master Gardener Delves Into the Dark Shadows of the Louis...

As head gardener of Versailles Alain Baraton is responsible for restoring and maintaining the majesty of the backyard of kings, but he appears to relish in declaring that “Versailles was a great shop of horrors.” In the book "Vice et Versailles" Baraton leads readers into the dark side of the great palace.

Portrait: Fabien Nègre

Fabien Nègre is a French writer, journalist, consultant to chefs and restaurateurs, gastronomic critic and commentator, wine man and cigar connoisseur.

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