Paris & Surroundings

One can spend a lifetime exploring Paris and the greater Paris called Ile de France. While most of the articles in this section focus on sights, tastes, history, shops, art and life in the capital, we also make frequent trips to Versailles, Fontainebleau, Vaux-le-Vicomte, Barbizon, Chantilly, Auvers-sur-Oise, the Chevreuse Valley and other notable places in the surrounding region.

Carnivorous Confusion

Meat is customarily served rarer in France than in the United States, so it’s important to know how to answer when the waiter asks...

The Menu

Unless otherwise indicated, the prices mentioned on this site are for 3-course meals, excluding drinks. Your choice of drinks and wine will naturally greatly...

Service in Paris

Back home we demand friendly service with a wide smile, we promise tips, and we want to be treated as though we, as customers,...

Restaurant Reservations

you're not a planner (I’m certainly not), don’t force yourself. You can always find something worthwhile by taking a stroll or by asking at...

The Perfect Paris Diet

If being sedentary, overeating fatty foods, overdoing sugar-heavy drinks, and endless snacking are among the surest ways to gain fat, you needn’t worry about...

Our Restaurant Review Policy

Whether you’re a foodie or just a hungry traveler, a gastronome on a mission or a hearty eater on a moderate budget, eating out...

Something Old, Something New: Culture in the Court of Honor

Across the street from the Louvre, the Palais Royal, its court of honor and garden, and their surroundings are a stunning microcosm of culture in Paris: its history a background for its present, its present a dialogue with its past, its future clearly in need of change... but gently, please.

Wealth and Politics: An East-West Primer for Paris and the Surrounding Region

The French electorate doesn’t necessarily vote according to its relative wealth, yet relative wealth is a pretty good indicator of voting strength, particularly in...

Adventures in Vietnamese Cuisine, Paris

What happens when two restaurant and travel writers meet to test a restaurant together? Do they eye each other warily over tall menus? Do...

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France Revisited Newsletter

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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