Paris & Surroundings

One can spend a lifetime exploring Paris and the greater Paris called Ile de France. While most of the articles in this section focus on sights, tastes, history, shops, art and life in the capital, we also make frequent trips to Versailles, Fontainebleau, Vaux-le-Vicomte, Barbizon, Chantilly, Auvers-sur-Oise, the Chevreuse Valley and other notable places in the surrounding region.

Plumbing in Paris: the Marble Bathtub of the Marquise de Païva

Nicolas Beboutoff's odd shop for old and antique porcelain and metal plumbing furnishings holds the supposed bathtub of the Marquise de Paiva.

The New Fragrance of the Paris Café

We knew we would be breathing easier when France entered the nonsmoking age in January 2008 with a full ban on smoking in enclosed public places including cafés, bars, and restaurants. But the Parisian café was previously so identified with smoke and smokers that

You Love Paris But Does Paris Love You?

Yes, you love Paris, but does Paris love you? You’ve read the articles, the books and the blogs telling you how to be one with the City of Light. Do this, they say, and Paris will accept you, Paris will embrace you, Paris will love you as much as you love Paris. Yet...

Paris Restaurant Report: Villa Corse and the Versatility of Brocciu Cheese

When it gets too cold to sunbathe in Corsica, the Isle of Beauty gears up for fromage frenzy. Corinne LaBalme visits Paris's Villa Corse just in time for the beginning of brocciu season.

Film Review: Suite Française

Suite Française by Irene Némirovsky took the literary world by storm when it was first published in France in 2004, followed up with an English translation in 2006. The sensation had to do with the quality of the work itself in conjunction with the backstory, the sidestory and the epilogue relative to the author herself and her daughter Denise Epstein. Now comes the movie.

Oscar Wilde Saved from Adoring Fans in Paris

The unveiling on Nov. 30, 2011 of Oscar Wilde’s newly restored tomb in Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris was the occasion to pay tribute to the great 19th-century Irish writer. We take this opportunity to revisit the turbulent history of the tomb itself.
Paris crepes

The Humble Crepe Gets a Paris Makeover

The humble crepe has been enjoying a Paris makeover recently as stylish yet relaxed restaurants devoted to neo-griddlecakes topped with anything from yuzu and Japanese sugar to sautéed scallops have popped up in trendsetting neighborhoods throughout the city.
Paris Walking Tour Champs-Elysees from Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe, GLKraut Voicemap

VoiceMap Tour: The Champs-Elysées, from Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe

Join Gary Lee Kraut on an essential Paris walking tour: a stroll along the full length of the world-famous avenue of the Champs-Elysées, from Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe.

An Interview with Ellen Sussman, Author of the Novel “French Lessons”

Ellen Sussman’s new novel French Lessons is a sexy, sensual, café-filled story about three Americans who explore Paris while receiving walking French lessons. An entertaining France Revisited interview with the author by Gary Lee Kraut.

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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