Paris & Surroundings

One can spend a lifetime exploring Paris and the greater Paris called Ile de France. While most of the articles in this section focus on sights, tastes, history, shops, art and life in the capital, we also make frequent trips to Versailles, Fontainebleau, Vaux-le-Vicomte, Barbizon, Chantilly, Auvers-sur-Oise, the Chevreuse Valley and other notable places in the surrounding region.

Off-Beat Touring: Paris Hospitals and Medical Museums, Part 1

Paris has a rich if sometimes horrific hospital and medical heritage. Hitting the medical trails of the capital allows the off-beat traveler to encounter peaceful courtyards, beautiful chapels, a magnificent crypt, troubling and enlightening history and much medical knowledge along the way.

Off-Beat Touring: Paris Hospitals and Medical Museums, Part 2

Part 2 of an article about hospital and medical heritage in Paris, including Louis Pasteur, Marie and Pierre Curie, military medicine and George Orwell.

Reinventing Paris:  Innovative Urban Plans Go Forward

Urban planners in the French capital don't spend all their time imagining how to refurbish old buildings. There's also new, innovated work on the drawing board, including 23 projects that have just been given the green light by the mayor of Paris.

Theater in Paris: Dom Juan, Les Misérables, Le Cid

Now that you’ve mastered exchanges with waiters, bar talk, conversation at dinner parties and viewing French movies without subtitles, are you ready to take the leap to French theater? Consider Corneille's Le Cid, Molière's Dom Juan and Hugo's Les Misérables at Vingtième Théâtre in Paris’s 20th arrondissement from January 14 to March 6, 2016.

Macabre Bicycle Cemetery Discovered in Paris

In a startling and macabre discovery, archeologists in Paris discovered this week what appears to be a mass bicycle graveyard on the site of a portion of Canal Saint Martin in the 10th arrondissement. The City of Paris gave France Revisited special access to photograph and report on the extraordinary find.

A Year Ends, A Year Begins in a Hopeful Little Paris Garden

The year 2015 ends on a bright and hopeful day in Paris. I’m relieved to feel no compulsion to come up with resolutions for 2016; I can simply reuse those of 2015 since none of them was realized. Something about this makes me happy.

Paris’s Pont des Arts Sees Clear After Its Divorce From Love Locks

On a bright December morning I was headed across the footbridge the Pont des Arts to the Institut de France to learn about the 350th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences and about Louis Pasteur's archives, recently listed in the Memory of the World Register.

Professional Travel Therapy for You, Your Friends and Your Loved Ones

The perfect Paris and France travel gift for your friends and loved ones--or for yourself--suffering from Paris-envy, Francophilia and a frequent desire to travel to France: Travel therapy with Gary Lee Kraut, editor of France Revisited.

Fluctuat Nec Mergitur and the Coat of Arms of the City of Paris

Fluctuat nec mergitur, the motto that appears on the heraldry or coat of arms of the City of Paris, came to the forefront as Parisians and others began to rally around slogans in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015. This is the occasion to recall the history of the city’s heraldry and the significance of the elements that make up the city’s coat of arms.

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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