
Sometimes we set aside the practical and the informative to provide personal impressions, stories, vignettes, editorials, commentary, poems, photographic oddities and other eclectic, original material.

France Revisited’s Jewish Issue

Here are the 9 articles, interviews and stories that comprise France Revisited's March 2014 March Jewish Issue, including Jewish history in Paris, the Rothchilds, the de Camandos, deportation, the Marais and Passover's 11th plague

Paris, the world’s largest image

March 13, 2010 - Paris is now officially the world's largest image, in pixels that is. It's 26 gigapixels are sure to be beat in the future as the pixel race continues (Paris took the title from Dresden), so enjoy it now while you can still say you saw the world's biggest. Take a virtual interactive tour here
Jef Aerosol Paris mural - Saint Merri - GLK

Paris Street Talk: Merry, the Mural and the Pisser (Merry, la fresque et la...

...As I turned to walk up rue Saint Merri in the Beaubourg Quarter of Paris I was surprised to see that the entire wall of a 5-story building was covered with the image of a face of a man with a finger to its lips. The man was calling for quiet. He had Dali eyes.

Black Diva and the Roman Theater of Orange

I don't often show pictures of myself with celebrities, artists, winegrowers, chefs, politicians or other living icons that I meet in the course of my work, but that’s the best way to introduce the beautiful local Diva that I met the other day while in Orange, in the Vaucluse area of Provence.

Christmas in Paris is but a memory

It's the rare Paris winter in recent years when Canal Saint Martin freezes over. But abandoning Christmas trees on the street (or in this case the canal) is a post-holiday tradition in Paris.

Bloomberg News: Strikes in Paris leave tourists well-fed anyway

A Bloomberg news headline of October 2010, taken up by many online publications, states “Strikes at Eiffel Tower, Orsay Museum Leave Tourists Stranded.”

Roasted French Food Porn (Includes Recipe)

I know food bloggers are supposed to be into food, but do they really have to tell us everything they eat? They remind me of 12-year-old girls with half-chewed food in their mouth, sticking their tongues out to get attention. Not very appetizing.

Parisians Show Knee: Paris Fashion Police No Longer Forbid Men’s Shorts

PARIS FASHION FLASH: It’s been a long time coming but the Paris fashion police have finally received the circular concerning shorts, now making it acceptable for local men to show their knees on the street.

The Charlie Hebdo Survivor Issue and the Sabbath Candles

The week after terror attacks that targeted journalists at Charlie Hebdo and Jews at the kosher grocery millions of people bought the survivor edition of Charlie Hebdo out of solidarity with the victims and what they represented. But did any think of buying kosher food?

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France Revisited is an adventurous professional publication largely supported by passion, curiosity, humor... and donations.

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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France Revisited Newsletter

Stay curious. Stay informed. Sign up for the France Revisited Newsletter.

The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

It’s free, of course, and you can unsubscribe at any time, though we can’t imagine why anyone would want to.

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