
View to the war monument and evacuation pier at the start of the digue and the beach in Malo-les-Bains, Dunkirk. Photo GLK.

Dunkirk 1940, Dunkirk Today: Advice for a Day Trip or an Overnight

How to visit Dunkirk in Upper France to learn more about the evacuation of 1940 on a day trip or overnight from Paris or elsewhere.
Dunkirk - Stretch of beach and distant pier, a portion of the site of the evacuation of 1940. Photo GLKraut.

The Snow Goose Returns to Dunkirk

"Though I hadn’t reread The Snow Goose in many years, I realized that it had been a part of my life for more than 80 years. Yet I had never been to Dunkirk, even though it’s only about 180 miles northwest of Paris. I felt a sudden desire—no, a need—to go there."
Eiffel Tower dressed for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Cultural Olympiad article by GLK

The Museums of France Break the World Record in the Cultural Olympiad

The curators of France have sports on the brain as shown in the dozens of sports-related exhibitions at museums as well as at sporting venues. Here are some of them.
Ian Patrick's D-Day Portraits, Anonymous Heroes cover photo cropped.

An Interview with Ian Patrick, Photographer of Normandy Veterans

An interview with photographer Ian Patrick on the triple occasion of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, an exhibition of his portraits of Normandy Veterans at the Army Museum at the Invalides in Paris, and the publication an expanded second edition of his book D-Day Portraits, Anonymous Heroes.
Entrance to the Resistance and Deportation History Center of Lyon. Photo Michael Esris

Examining Lyon’s Resistance and Deportation History Center

Elizabeth Esris was drawn to the Resistance and Deportation History Center in Lyon because of her enduring desire to understand how ordinary citizens muster the will to resist, sacrifice and survive in the face of repressive treatment.
Is France in a sexual recession?

Is France in a “Sexual Recession”?

Travelers beware: If planning to travel to France in search of your fantasy French lover, you might first want to read a report released this week indicating that the French aren't as into sex as they used to be.
Gardens of Marqueyssac. Photo Ava Kabouchy

8 Remarkable Strolls in the Gardens of Marqueyssac (Dordogne)

Perched on a promontory overlooking the Dordogne Valley, the Gardens of Marqueyssac form a singular sight which lends itself to multiple strolls. This photo-reportage by Ava Kabouchy and Gary Lee Kraut explores the mood, botany, quirks, activities and enchantment of Marqueyssac through eight remarkable strolls.
Epernay view toward a Champagne daytrip from Paris © Ville d'Epernay

A Carless and Carefree Champagne Daytrip or Overnight to Epernay (Video)

Let's talk about your Champagne education. Advice on organizing a Champagne daytrip or overnight to Epernay, a car-free DIY discovery of the world's most famous sparkling wines.
Finistere (Brittany) lighthouse, potato article. Francesca Cannan

The Potato Chronicles: Memories of Brittany

After several months in Finistère, Brittany, Francesca Cannan discovers the importance of potatoes to Breton chefs in a small café on a blustery winter day, the wind roaring in off the Atlantic.

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