Gary Lee Kraut

Gary Lee Kraut
Gary Lee Kraut is the editor of France Revisited and an award-winning travel writer. As a long-time specialist on travel and touring in France, he has become the go-to contact for individual travelers and travel agents seeking personalized travel advice and customized tours in Paris and throughout France. See the About the Editor tab at the top of this page for his complete bio.

Defining Expatriates: American Women Between the World Wars

When does an American stop being a long-term resident of Paris and become an expatriate? The answer depends on both the subject and the...

Van Dyck portraits at the Jacquemart-André

I’ve always confused Van Dyck with Titian and Velasquez and El Greco. I'm a bit clearer about Van Dyck after visiting the exhibition at...
Angers Galerie David d'Angers - GLKraut

Travel Beyond the Clichés While Looking Back In Angers

There I was in the local newspaper in a picture borrowed from the web and a paragraph hailing me as “a globetrotting American writer with a new book out entitled Travel Beyond the Clichés.”

Tumbleweed: Playthings for the Whimsical Shopper

Meet Lynn Rovida, the joyful American owner of Tumbleweed, a playful Paris shop with a whimsical selection of handcrafted toys, finely cut puzzles, inlaid puzzle boxes and animated sculptures.

An Interview with Heather Stimmler-Hall

Heather Stimmler-Hall could be poster child for American junior year abroad programs, or perhaps a cautionary tale. In either case, Heather has done what many American students...

Paris on the Run: A Guide for the Jogging Traveler

Looking for the best places to jog in Paris? Join Parisian runners with in these six parks and gardens. Also contains a schedule of major races in the city.

No one has friends at times like this

I helped an acquaintance move the other day. Not sure that I'd call him a friend, but he's someone from the neighborhood whom I know well enough that I responded "Sure" to his call for help him move some boxes and furniture.

The Luxury Drug: High Tea at the George V with JP

In which the author takes high tea at the Four Seasons George V, one of the "palace" hotels in Paris, with senior marketing director Jean-Pierre Soutric.

Hurricanes, economics and war

Just got back to Paris from Berlin where I was dumbfounded to find that BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, German radio, and the American papers...

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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France Revisited Newsletter

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The France Revisited Newsletter is sent out periodically so as to keep you informed about the 4-6 new articles that we post each month along with information about festivals, events and touring opportunities.

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