With thanks Ludwig Dagoreau of Vélo Vitamine and with apologies to Robert Frost, with whom I share the middle name.
Whose vines these are I think I know.
His cellar’s in the village though;
He will not mind this makeshift bar
To share with Claire an apéro*.
Our Giant bikes could take us far
Yet stop beside this great terroir
Between high woods and valley ring
Where ripen grapes pinot noir.
Our glasses make a little ping
To toast this Burgundy cycling.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and her laughing.
The vines are lovely, green and deep,
But we’ve got a schedule to keep,
Four miles to lunch though not too steep,
Four miles to lunch though not too steep.
*Apéro is an informal way of saying apéritif in French.
© 2020, Gary Lee Kraut
LOVE your homage to Frost!! Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is my favorite poem–of all time! Perfect.
Thank you, Anna.