To Be Charlie: A French Lesson

Paris, January 2015 — A French lesson: “être Charlie,” to believe in the importance of freedom of expression (as the French would call it); a term originating in the response to the terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015. Following subsequent events on January 8 and 9, the term may also reflect a desire to support those who would protect such freedom, the fight against antisemitism, a peaceful vision of the practice of Islam and more generally liberté à la française and other values of the French Republic. Often mistakenly believed to mean a desire to draw, republish or glorify the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo.

Etre Charlie = To be Charlie (Being Charlie)

Je suis Charlie.

Charlie Je Suis

Tu es Charlie.

Charlie Hebdo - GLKraut1

Il/Elle est Charlie.

Charlie Hebdo - GLKraut3

Nous sommes Charlie.

Charlie Nous Sommes

Vous êtes Charlie.

Charlie Hebdo - GLK10

Ils/Elles sont Charlie.

Charlie Hebdo - GLKraut7


Charlie Hebdo - GLKraut9



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