Va-nu-pied, the Barefoot Photographer, feels the spirit of the liberty on Place de la Bastille.
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At the center of the great, battered square the Spirit of the Bastille takes flight in the Paris sky. Should we follow him?
Au centre de cette grande place défoncée, le Génie de la Bastille s’envole dans le ciel de Paris. On le suit?

Hello. I am doing historical research on my family. One of my ancestors has his name on a monument in honor of Napoleon. A list of people is on the monument. I am told that it is in the Bastille area. His name is Jacot Sohm.
Please tell me who might have a list of names on monuments around the Bastille if you do not have this information.
Any help in locating this would be appreciated.
Randall Peik
Bonjour Randall,
I’m intrigued by your search but don’t have an answer. The July Column at the Bastille (VNP’s photo) was erected in the 1830s and wasn’t a Napoleon project. I don’t know what monument in the area you might be referring to. Perhaps an astute reader can help. I’ll let you know if anyone writes in. And please let us know if you discover the answer elsewhere.