The barefoot French photographer Va-nu-pieds enjoys a rare walk in the snow in Paris and stops by a Siberian elm in the Latin Quarter.
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This is a small garden in the heart of the Latin Quarter, between the Cluny Museum of the Middle Ages and the Sorbonne. And its Siberian elm. Snow is rare in Paris. Many years there is no snow, and when there is it generally doesn’t stick… And this year, for the third day, the snow is still there.
Today, written on the windshield of a car : “Vive la vie!” Puts a smile on the face for the rest of the day.

Aujourd’hui, tracé sur le pare brise blanc d’une voiture : “Vive la vie!” De quoi sourire pour le reste de la journée.
But the snow doesn’t last long in Paris. The memory, however, remains because Va-nu-pieds was there.